Ariel Broom Suspension:The broom suspension
has long been a popular "do anywhere" illusion. In this
classic effect, the performer's assistant is ultimately lifted to
a 90 degree angle, suspended horizontally on one broom.
Asrah Levitation:This dramatic and visible
vanish of a levitating woman continues to be popular with audiences.
Backstage with a Magician: The magician
lets the audience see how an assistant is produced inside a box
only to have a man appear instead! A great industrial presentation
can feature the suprise appearance of a company executive.
Blaney's Great Escape: The finely decorated cabinet features translucent panels. Lights outside each of these panels allow the audience a clear view through the back and sides from inside the cabinet. This feature, combined with a unique base design brings the classic sword cabinet to a new level of deceptionSee
Crystal Casket: Six plexiglass sheets
are placed, one-by-one, on an open aluminum frame. The casket is
covered by a cloth, then removed to reveal a girl inside. See
Flatman Illusion: A comic illusion where
a man gets his tie caught in a roller on a box and comes out through
the rollers as flat as a pancake, only to reappear in the audience
after being fired out of a cannon. A great illusion for industrial
Impaled: An exciting illusion where an
assistant is impaled on a sword, then slowly levitates up the sword
until she is resting on its tip. Several options are available for
this illusion. See
See-Thru Guillotine: This new version
of the head chopper is a real fooler. The stocks are transparent
and the blade never leaves the view of the audience. The only chopper
that can cut vegetables above, below, and to each side of the head.
Pros give it rave reviews! See Details

See-Thru Guillotine Blade Stand: A matching
stand which provides a convenient place to store the blade during
your routine. Fast and easy assembly. See
to Top
To order or inquire about any of
the products described here call:
(845) 429-3377
or FAX
(845) 429-3765
or write to:
Bill Schmeelk
at Wellington Enterprises
55 West Railroad Ave., Bldg.3D
PO 315, Garnerville,
NY 10923-0315
Monster Guillotine: A very intimidating
guillotine, over 9 feet tall. This chopper provides the illusion
that the victim's head is actually cut off, and the audience actually
sees the head fall into the basket. The guillotine breaks down for
packing; a "non-dropping head "version is also available.
Origami Illusion: Jim Steinmeyer's extremely
clever and puzzling illusion where an assistant appears to enter
a 12" square box, unbelieveable enough, only to have three
long samuri swords thrust into the box from all sides. A version
using broken mirror pieces instead of the swords is also available.
In this version, the broken mirror is restored as the final illusion.
Shadow Box: A box on a platform is made
up of wooden frames with paper sides. An electric light is moved
around the outside of the box, then placed inside the box, revealing
nothing inside. Slowly shadows form, and a lady bursts through the
paper. See
The Wakeling Sawing: An updated version
of the original Sawing Through a Woman. Finely finished oak boxes
are placed over an assistant cuffed to a table. Swords and steel
blades are pushed through the box, the boxes are separated, then
placed back together. The girl is still in her original secured
position, fully restored. See
Walking Through a Mirror: The
magician stands behind a large mirror, with just his feet showing
below and his hands placed through two holes cut into the mirror.
After unrolling then dropping a cloth, the magician has penetrated
the mirror and is standing in front of it. See
The Lady in the Puzzle: allow frame,
rearranged several times, finally to have a girl appear. Other variations
are available. See
Zig Zag Illusion: Our version of this
illusion requires no roller blinds and the graphics of the assistant
on the outside are made up of separate painted plaques, allowing
a sense of dimension and easy replacement when necessary. See